As the drummer and the backbone of any jazz group, TEASY/Torsten Zwingenberger treasures his perfect sounding and precise instrument, which happens to be a drum kit custom-made for him with stainless steel shells by the Berlin drum designer Udo Masshoff:
Unique handmade model called “Jaguar“
18 x 24 bass drum
8 x 13 tom tom
6,5 x 14 snare drum
14 x 14 floor tom
14 x 16 floor tom
Zildjian cymbals: 16“ hihat and 16“ closed hihat, 22“ heavy ride, 22“ K-dark ride,
20“ light ride with sissles, 10“ crash. One Paiste 20“ China ride with sissles.

He uses one twin-effect bass drum pedal (Sonor Giantstep) plus an additional double bass drum pedal played with the heels of both feet to beat a cajon, woodblock and tambourine plus a foot pedal played with the heel of the left foot to beat a cowbell.
Several small hand percussion instruments: shakers, a barstool that sounds like a bongo, washboard, chekere and many others.